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Mahmudur Fatmi
Associate Professor
Office: EME3231Phone: 250.807.8428
Email: mahmudur.fatmi@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Travel demand forecasting; Transportation and land use interaction; Travel behaviour analysis; Smart and shared mobility; Urban system microsimulation, Activity-based modelling; Transportation and residential emissions and energy modelling; Econometric modelling; Agent-based microsimulation, Survey design and methods
Courses & Teaching
Transportation Planning (ENGR 436/536)
Surveying and GIS Analysis (ENGR 332)
Dr. Mahmudur Fatmi is a transportation professor at the University of British Columbia’s (UBC) Okanagan campus. He received his PhD from Dalhousie University in Nov. 2017. He has started as an assistant professor at UBC from July 2018. He is the director of the UBC integrated Transportation Research (UiTR) laboratory. His research interests revolve around transportation demand modelling and simulation – assisting in making effective transportation and land use policies and infrastructure investment decisions, and decarbonizing the transportation sector. Broadly, his research program contributes in two ways: 1) developing and applying econometric and machine learning models for the better understanding of travel behaviour, and 2) building and deploying agent-based microsimulation tools for testing alternative transportation-related scenarios. The central concept of his research is that transportation choices (e.g., travel mode), land use-related decisions (e.g., residential location choice), and the environment (e.g., transport emissions) are inter-connected. One of the primary focuses of his research program is to develop an integrated urban model that simulates populations’ socio-demographics, location choice, vehicle ownership and travel activities, and their impacts on urban transportation network and the environment for an entire urban region. Dr. Fatmi actively collaborates with industry, government and transit agencies, and indigenous communities. He has developed collaborations with Canadian and international scholars.
UBC integrated Transportation Research (UiTR)
• PhD (2018) – Civil and Resource Engineering - Dalhousie University, Canada
• MASc (2013 – Transferred to PhD) – Civil and Resource Engineering - Dalhousie University, Canada
• BSc Engg (2011) – Civil Engineering - Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
Selected Publications & Presentations
For the latest full list of journals’ publications, please click here: Google Scholar- Dr. Mahmudur Fatmi
The UiTR lab website also has an updated publication list, please click here: Publication List – UITR Lab.
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
- Committee Member, Standing Committee on Effects of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on Travel Choices , Transportation Research Board (TRB), National Academies, USA
- Councillor, Board of Directors, Canadian Transportation Research Forum (CTRF)
- Committee Member, Transportation Planning Committee, Transportation Association of Canada (TAC)
- Member, Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) – Canada
- TV Interview: CBC News featuring Dr. Fatmi’s interview on, “The Role Transportation in Local Elections”, October 15, 2022. To check out the video and the article, click here
- TV Interview: Global News featuring Dr. Fatmi’s interview regarding one of his research projects, “Assessing the Potential Opportunity for Deploying Autonomous Transit Along the Okanagan Rail Trail Corridor”, September 27, 2022. To check out the video and the article, click here
- Radio Interview: Live on Radio NL to discuss, “Residential Energy Implications for Longer Stay at Home”, November 2, 2022. To listen to their conversation, please click here.
- Radio Interview: Live on CBC’s Day Break South show to discuss, “Bold New Transportation Idea for Kelowna”, October 3, 2022. To listen to their conversation, please click here.
- Radio Interview: Live on CBC’s Day Break South show to discuss, “Impacts of COVID-19 on Online and In-store Shopping Habits”, January 20, 2022.
- Radio Interview: Live on iHEART Radio’s Early Edition show to discuss, ““The use of Micro-mobility Services”. Radio Interview, November 25, 2021. To listen to their conversation, please click here.
- UBCO News: “COVID-19 has Changed the Way We Grocery Shop”, January 18, 2022. To read the article, please click here.
- UBCO News: “UBCO Researcher Examines the Highs and Lows of E-scooter Rentals”, November 22, 2021. To read the article, please click here.
- UBCO News: “UBCO Professor Researching the Impact of COVID-19 on Travel Restrictions”, April 14, 2020. To read the article, please click here